Morning walk brought to you by a spirit in the sky and Mammillaria cactus!
When the four walls are closing in, a walk will help whatever ails you from stress, fogginess, depression, lethargy, appetite problems, attitude and mental blocks. Let air, circulation, movement, a pet and nature be your jump start to feeling better. This wisp of beauty hung in the sky for no more than 5 minutes and captured my attention as it then suddenly evaporated into blueness. A rainbow ray lightly glimmered in it but I couldn’t capture it in this photo. The morning had a magical start from the visit of this spirit in the sky and made me thankful to have witnessed its short but enchanted appearance. I have certain plants I pass daily and keep up with their development or demise. This Mammillaria cactus is one of them. The many babies appeared this year making me feel like a happy gramma! The plants are usually small, globose to elongated, the stems from 1 cm to 20 cm in diameter and from 1 cm to 40 cm tall, clearly tuberculate, solitary to clumping forming mounds of up to 100 heads and with radial symmetry. Tubercles can be conical, cylindrical, pyramidal or round. The roots are fibrous, fleshy or tuberous. Legend of the cactus (one of many) A long time ago, there was a young man who lived in a Native American tribe. He went hunting one day, and ventured so deep into the woods that not a single person could ever reach him. Suddenly, terrible monsters appeared and began to pursue him. The young man realized that there was no escaping them, and, losing his strength, he turned to the gods for help. In response, they turned him into a deer so that he could escape the pursuers. But the monsters still caught up with him. It almost looked like he was done for, when all of a sudden, the deer disappeared: it had turned into a small prickly plant that looked like a cone. Thus the first cactus came to be.
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