Tortuga Mixed media/ Palm husk, cholla, barnacles, leather, glass, paper, acrylic What a wonderful process of problem solving, physics, determination, invention and fulfillment. So many found natural materials to mix and blend, all finally cooperating in beauty! This piece gave me so much joy to create, meshing my morning walk treasures with my minds eye vision, truly a work of the heart, soul and mental health. Now I share it with you in hope of inspiring a lifted spirit and a moment of joy to plant seeds to feel your own beautiful potential! As you see Kona was equally appreciative of Tortuga as she was part of the treasure hunt and moral support in it’s making!!!! Art heals!!!! Art on ya’ll!!!!
Regardless if you don’t know whether you are coming or going , recognize the journey is your beautiful creation.
My suggestion for this weekend is to practice making mistakes. You say what????? Our peace of mind is often tangled in our high expectations and belief we are supposed to be perfect at all times. This dynamic is an immediate ambush of our truest self because humans are not perfect…no one is. Usually mistakes are met with shame, guilt, remorse, anger and an unlimited number of ways to beat ourselves up. Obviously those reactions maintain a routine of self abuse and feeling discouraged, which will sink our boat every time. In practicing making mistakes, we learn our resiliency, humility and core truths of our brokenness which then can be embraced in forgiveness and growth. New doors and perceptions open and allow thinking outside the box to view ourselves clearly and choose different behaviors that support our truths, thus creating better self esteem and a clear slate of forgiveness to walk forward with. This was one of the most significant lessons I learned as I healed and managed my PTSD. It was so freeing to remove those pressures of needing to be perfect and right. It was challenging at first but became a secure platform of being and enabled my frozen self within to thaw and flow as it should Art is an excellent teacher for making mistakes beautiful.. Sooo, go make mistakes and give yourself a pat on the back for breaking out of self jail and needing to be perfect!!! Morning walk brought to you by Flower Hat jelly, Sea Biscuit, sand and my silly pooch!
Take a walk today to increase circulation, clear your jumbled thoughts, release emotions, get inspiration, get centered and increase your joy factor!!! My pooch is an excellent motivator and companion in establishing this routine. This jellyfish (was huge if you’ll notice my foot near it for comparison. I believe it’s a flower hat jelly (Olindias). Although they look like a jellyfish, they actually belong in the class Hydrozoa, while true jellyfish belong in class Scyphozoa . One year thousands of these were in the water and beach but haven’t seen them to that extent for years. They are beautifully translucent and appear to have a beautiful flower within. The white looking puff is a Sea Biscuit and are very fragile and break easily.Sea Biscuits are very similar to Sand Dollars with inflated shells, and both are related to Sea Urchins. The name Clypeaster means Flowered Round Shield. This refers to the shape of the animal and to the 5 “petaled” flower shape on top of the animal. We can learn from sand in that it adapts to its environment resulting in character, beauty and resilience. I am always enriched by its awesome patterns which in turn inspire my creativity, which always makes me feel better!!!!! Gifts of nature, pooches, creativity help to navigate this crazy world!!!! Walk, create and inspire yourself in nature! |