Overwhelmed sums it up.
The COVID, politics, going back to school, social unrest etc. etc. are creating havoc in many peoples lives. Trauma is occurring daily increasing PTSD in our communities of healthcare, essential workers and society in general. What can we do that is immediate and accessible to all? Our senses hold the key! Initially, we take in the world through our senses and then it secondarily becomes meaningful through our mind interpretation of these signals. By attending to our senses first , we become connected to the moment and better able to cope, process and release the feelings of overwhelm before the mind turns them into worry and stress. Touching art materials, tasting a new recipe, listening to music, smelling fresh air, moving our bodies, walking the pooch are examples of immediate actions that will decrease overwhelm. Weave these practices into your daily routine and I assure you, life will feel more manageable! Just try! Art heals!