Ripple in still water,
Reminds us to circulates rhythms of peace and contentment Reach out and fill the emptiness with beauty Share our paths and lend a helping hand Create with kindness and depth. The whole is more important than the part Yet each part is essential to the whole. On this day Seek the gifts of nature Weave the threads of life into a tapestry Protect the essential breath of our gifts And become the ripple........ I offer these sentiments to uplift and encourage self-care through the art of hearts and souls.
![]() I have set the stage in my previous newsletters and blogs to educate about trauma's relationship to the senses, the concept of healing, the environment and preparation to create and now where to find the place within to start your process. I call this place 'intuitive art expression'. Follow your intuition and trust your gut. Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning; quick and ready insight; something known without the need for reasoning. There is no room for a critic here only compassionate trust of self. Intuitively listen to that deep place within where no one can go but you and reflect. Sense the colors, textures, environment, subjects, symbols and actions of this deepest self. Listen to and feel the intuitive information that emerges. Step by step your process will be revealed, but please be clear, the riches are not about the product you end up with, it's the journey getting there. What materials/actions call to you? Do you crave hard, soft, bright, dark, textures, patterns, blue, black yellow, flowing , malleable, glue or cutting? Sense, it, then go to your materials and let your intuition guide you. Allow experimentation without judgement. If it doesn't feel right, try something else. If you start with watercolors and it feels uncontrolled, try clay, colored pencils or cutting paper. I 'm reminded of a story of a little boy from a broken home doing art. Water coloring made him fearful, clay didn't interest him and finally he found a bottle of glue. He obsessively proceeded to glue pieces of paper together for much of the remainder of the art class which gave him great joy and peace. He was having terrible attachment issues from his broken home and was able to manage them through the act of 'attaching'! Once materials are found, create without critique. My initial drawings were scribbles and lots of them. Sometimes they were barely visible lines/textures and other times objects/symbols. Incorporate the making of safe art in between triggering work and seek support if needed. My website contains 'Stages of Healing' which describes steps of the art process I experienced and may be helpful to refer to. Date and keep all art for later viewing when patterns and themes emerge. Now, play and express your intuitive art and watch as the images reveal your story ![]() The many facets of colors live perfectly side by side amidst the chaotic textures and rumbling of the great waters we are all birthed from. So many layers in this painting I did. Reflects the intricate relationships which makes us whole and part of the bigger picture. In these trying times try to use your senses to ground....paint, draw. write, drill, saw, sand, cook, read, play music, sing....all will help endure the times we are in and grow strong our resolve. Peace amidst the chaos! |