Stage 8: REBUILDING Relief and hope define this stage. Through problem solving, resolution and integration, the future can now be contemplated. The hardest and deepest seeds of trauma were discovered in the previous stages. The dynamics discovered need to be given attention, validation and respect to heal and move forward. Listen to all sides of the enigmas found, give them a voice and dialog then create images that bring resolve. This period is ripe for exploration of your hopes and dreams of who, what, when, where and how you want to be. Allow yourself to create visions of what you wish you and your life is to become. Problem solve and explore a map of your future through imagery. Collage with magazine pictures, find new art materials to play with and see what comes of this muddy place you have been in and try to see, invent/reinvent who you want to be. The uglies require acknowledgement of the blessings they bring to what has made you who you are, stand up for yourself and embrace your brokenness, only then healing will occur. Your truth has been found, respect, nurture and protect it. One of my broken pieces, was that I abandoned the part of me (Nancy) who died in the accident. There was so much anger from both Nancy and Eli. Nancy was angry because I (Eli) deserted her and ran away (flight response from PTSD). Eli was angry at Nancy for only knowing a peaceful grounded existence. I worked with pencil to create forgiveness and love for the two parts in order to resolve this seed of conflict that continually derailed me from healing. The other artwork examines my life at that time. Stage 9: IDENTITY As the paralysis of PTSD and related trauma begin to thaw, new feelings and thoughts of identity emerge. What used to work no longer fits, which can be unsettling, yet freeing and feels like an identity crisis. Focus on artwork that defines the old, changing, and new self and how they overlap and interact. Examine all aspects of the past, present, and future identity and bind them in imagery, which then helps view how they interact, block, and co-exist. Then, create art that develops the identity that most resembles how you see your healed self. Place identity artwork in locations where you often see them and contemplate the next step toward defining the true you with all your cracks, beauty and courage to become whole. Identity development is definitely a work in progress, but also very exciting and hopeful. It is not easy becoming an integrated and unique expression of what you have been through, this is something to be very proud of. The first image is the combination of Nancy/Eli and how they fit together and operated previously. The second image is contemplating the reflection of both selves and their elements of being. Stage10: CONNECTING Once the identity has been developed and defined, the work turns toward how to fit back into the world. The new sense of feeling more whole and integrated within encourages interaction. A new born confidence and courage allows stepping outside of the womb of internal healing to find a place in the environment outside. Create art that makes a map to help define obstacles, boundaries, and existing dynamics that need attention in order to accomplish a successful reintegration of the public self. Like a child, we need to protect, guide and nurture that interface with the world and build for success. Find people, places and things that support this fragile entry of your healing self. Sharing the artwork you created with others in similar mindset is very empowering and builds a sense of belonging. An art therapy group, lectures/presentations on PTSD, online group chats are a few ideas. It wasn’t until my book came out that I was on social media, and I have been happy to connect with so many others who understand the PTSD struggle. The first image represents emergence into life’s flow with hopes of jubilation and thanks. The second image is putting together all the pieces of me in the world. PTSD will always require management. Triggers abound and learning to turn to art and other things that help you ground, express, and get present need to become as available as the air you breathe.
We are all works in progress and realizing that removes the pressure of high expectations which inevitably can cause us to fail. I am always interested in people’s journeys, so please feel free to connect.
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