Just when all feels lost and no hope to go forward, look to the unending cycles of nature and find strength to keep on keeping on.
What can we learn about mental health from the natural world? I am forever inspired by Cholla cactus. They thrive in the starkest environments, and even when they fall, they rise again and again. Cholla spines are awesomely beautiful as are their blooms of summer. Its formidable spines provide an unbeatable enduring protection necessary to survive. Our broken selves require this type of shield to safeguard our vulnerabilities. Without that, the brokenness becomes us and derails all actions we take. Do not mistake this protection for ‘letting others down’ by not being available or there for them. Without this defense system in place, one can become another’s doormat and channel for their agenda, not your own. This can lead one on an unintentional path not safe for an overwhelmed self. Especially for those with PTSD, remaining centered in self is a challenge so take time to find your thorny boundaries and protect the paths that lead you on a journey towards a healthier and fitting life’s journey. Keep on keeping on, if you fall, rise again…. maybe rest first, then rise again!!! Nature heals!!
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